Frequently Asked Questions
Have A Real Estate Question? Ask Away!
Terry H.- Los Alamitos California
Terry: I've been having problems renting my vacant house. My wife and I have tried everything. We even paid for professional marketing. What are we doing wrong? Ruben: Good Morning Terry, Many factors must be considered. We'll need more information to help determine and resolve the problem. My suggestions:
Mrs. Yoo - Cerritos California
Mrs. Yoo: What's an impound/escrow account? Ruben: Thanks For Writing Mrs. Yoo, To answer your question, an impound/escrow account is an account set up by a lender to hold funds that are set aside for the payment of property taxes and insurance. In addition to the principal and interest payment on your mortgage loan, you may elect—or be required—to put aside additional funds each month in an impound/escrow account to pay for property taxes and mortgage and hazard insurance. The lender holds the money in an impound/escrow account and makes the payments from the account when they are due. |
Dale R.- Santa Monica California
Dale: Should I get pre-qualified for a mortgage before I shop for a home? Ruben: Good Morning Dale, Getting prequalified for your mortgage is an important step before you shop for a home. It tells you how much home you can buy and makes applying for your mortgage easier. |
Cristina C.- Los Angeles California
Cristina: How much home can I comfortably afford? Ruben: Hi Cristina, The amount of home you can afford is based on the amount of mortgage loan you can comfortably support. Generally, the amount of mortgage you qualify for is based on 3 factors:
Tom P. - Huntington Beach California
Tom: What are the various closing costs involved in a mortgage transaction? Ruben: Hi Tom, Closing costs can be divided into 3 main categories:
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